
Whatsapp will soon be able to send any type of file, Whatsapp New Feature

Whatsapp New Feature

whatsapp new feature , recently Whatsapp is currently testing a new feature that everyone will certainly love.

Whatsapp New Feature

When it’s fully available, you’ll be able to send any type of file to your contacts or groups. From apps, psd files and many more. That’s a major improvement compared to what we have now: Only PDFs, Word documents, spreadsheets, and slides.

I really don’t know why we were limited to the document sharing in the first place. The feature to send any type of file existed on Telegram for ages.

You’ll be limited to a maximum file size of 128MB on iOS, 100MB on Android, and 64MB on WhatsApp Web. I guess the limits are meant to protect the server from crashing.

Written by Jerry

My name is Jerry and i am a tech lover and also a writer here at Techipulse, shot me a mail if you got an interesting topic. [email protected]