
How to Set Custom Instagram Story Highlight Cover

set instagram custom story highlight cover
Well, if you are here you want to set custom Instagram Story Highlight cover.

Even if you are new to Instagram, you must have seen that rounded cover as highlighted above the featured image here on people’s profile. Before Story Highlight was introduced on Instagram, when people shared Stories updates, it automatically disappears after 24hrs. That means all the memories shared via Stories will not be seen again.

To those who use Instagram very well, Instagram Stories offers people an avenue to posts as much as possible and tell a story chronologically without becoming a nuisance to followers like when posting on Feeds. Since Instagram introduced Story Highlight, people can now save these Stories in a feature called “Highlight” which appears just beneath the profile bio.

When people create a certain “Highlight” in their bio, Instagram randomly selects one of the pictures and set as cover. But what if you want to set custom Instagram Story Highlight cover for the aesthetics? People who do not know how this works had to share “covers” again on their Insta story to set as a cover for their Highlight. This will be shown to all followers who views their Story.

Steps to Set Custom Instagram Story Highlight Cover

  • Go to your profile, tap and hold down on the Highlight you want its cover changed.
  • Select “Edit Highlight
set instagram custom story highlight cover
set instagram custom story highlight cover
  • Press on the first “image icon” you see beneath your screen. This will let you access Gallery for pictures and images you have which you can set as cover.
set instagram custom story highlight cover

Now before trying to add a custom cover, you must have had this created on and saved in your phone gallery before proceeding. Canva is a widely used app for creatives and is available for download on Android and iOS.

That’s it! You’ve successfully learnt how to set custom Instagram Story Highlight cover.

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Written by Jerry

My name is Jerry and i am a tech lover and also a writer here at Techipulse, shot me a mail if you got an interesting topic. [email protected]