
Android O has Just been Announced By Google, The New Version of Android..

Google announced the first developer preview of the next mobile operating system release, Android O.

Android O Developer Preview

People are already testing out the unique features it offers, the most popular ones include:

  • The picture-in-picture mode, which allows you to watch videos while running other applications (Nothing new here).
  • Improved battery life all thanks to the limit being placed on what apps can do in the background.
  • You also have ‘Adaptive icons,’ which is self explanatory, ‘Autofill API’ that acts as a password manager and ‘support for high-quality Bluetooth audio codecs.’
  • The ability to snooze your notifications so that they can reappear later.
  • A whole new animation effect.

This indeed is a nice step by Google to improve the Android Operating System to be more efficient and well optimized for everyday use..

Here is a Video of the Developer preview of Android O.. Watch below and don’t forget  to hit the Share button.

Written by ultra

I am a tech/news publisher at Techipulse and I love writing anything concerning tech related matters..